Thursday, December 2, 2010

things i'm finding funny - and side stories

well my hours at work have been reduced (which means i get to wait impatiently around to hear back from internships i've applied for). this also means i'm happier.
somehow, though, i'm not any less tired. finals are roaring ahead and this weekend i have a giant econ policy brief to do, an SPSS lab, and another giant stats worksheet. also, i'm going to apply for another few internships (why not?). instead of me doing these things now, i'm catching up on my homework and generally dorking around. not productive dorking, mind you, just dorking.
some of my favorite/funny things:
- the store Fishs Eddy in Union Square in NYC. Mo and Andrew took me there because every time i visit i am envious of their dishes. it's like ironic/cute/fun/cheap good quality dishes and general kitchen things. i didn't think i would be that excited about plates, but when the plates look like a NY Times crossword puzzle, i can get excited.
- we have OnDemand (thank you for making a priority, Charita Ray) and watched the HBO Documentary about this hilarious writer Fran Lebowitz. i'm sure all the people who read this over the age of 35 already know her, but the documentary Public Speaking by Martin Scorcese is hilarious. i might have to watch it again and write down her hilarious quotes next time. one i can remember:
Question from audience member: Who do you go for for a second opinion?
Fran: Why would I need to do that?
also: "It's wonderful being right all the time because then you get to observe everyone else being wrong."
i like her.
- also, McSweeney's posted an article entitled the "Butterball Helpline Help-line," which Mo read on Thanksgiving while i watched the parade. My favorite line from it: "Nutmeg is a jerk."
- my cousin steve on the phone on thanksgiving hearing that i'm in New York, the first thing he said, "last time i was in New York City i got stuck in the middle of the gay pride parade."
say no more.

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