Tuesday, November 9, 2010


i'm epically failing at keeping my life together, and the blog has fallen by the wayside. apologies to my three faithful readers.

some things that have recently come to light (surprising/lame/happy)

- i'm looking for a new internship for the spring semester. this means i've been constantly tweaking my resume and cover letter. since i want to work in urban redevelopment/housing issues, i'm applying for jobs/internships in that realm. most are due by the end of November, so i'm feeling positive. as i've explained to most of you, i can't be an accountant anymore (even though i'm glad to have learned the skill without having to spend money on a college course). onward and upward.
- i'm not terrible at Economics. this was the surprising one. although i still have the final to take, i did very well on the midterm and i'm actually understanding it. i'm guessing the reason that i did so terribly in Econ 198 in undergrad was because i was too busy planning my wedding/life together with the guy i sat next to and had a giant crush on. he got an A. i did not. typical.
- i shouldn't try and write a paper about something i'm not interested in the day after halloween. this isn't HD 101 anymore, Sarah, get with it.
- poor Blue Steel's window got smashed in by some kids when i left my ipod in there and they wanted it. a hiccup in my last Saturday. i hope they enjoyed the indie folk rock and whitney houston.
- vegan roommate Leslie is back in the house! an exciting new development. she has inspired me with her presence - i have upped my fruit intake three fold this week already. (my diet is abysmal to say the least). and no, joy, i haven't had any vegetables this week at the house. i'm not going crazy here.
- registered for the Spring semester: Public Budgeting (potential snooze, but a core course), Race and Urban Redevelopment, and Urban Politics. i'm very excited :)
- started reading Diary of a Bad Year by J.M. Coetzee. it's very good, but every time i read a book for fun i feel guilty for not studying something else.
- sometimes i just have to shut my brain off and watch the Kardashians. so sue me.

in sum, i'm trying to keep my head above water until Thanksgiving, when i make the adventure to NYC once again for what will prove to be another delicious meal and Andrew's home brew.


  1. one faithful reader loved the update.

  2. You're in school and working; it's okay if the blog gets neglected. Good luck with the internship applications!
