Friday, October 1, 2010

home again home again...

...pigeldy pig. (oft-quoted by my pop, Steve-O).

september was nuts. i remember telling people when i started school at the end of August that all i wanted to do was get through september and it'll be smooth sailing.
well, it's kinda smooth sailing now. (barring the whole full time school/part time work thing)
two cross country trips, a weekend retreat in virginia, and a whole day last weekend in DC for a personality-type training thing for school. it's finally over, and i'm tired.
i used the imminent basement flooding situation (have you seen the weather reports about the mid-Atlantic? yowsa) to ask my boss if i can work from home today (Friday) and he graciously let me. i only had to bail the reservoir in the back of my house once, and it looks like the rains are gone for now. so i slept in until 8, emailed the pants off board members and co-workers, and started my stats project.
i have lots to do this weekend in both school and social events (far be it from me to miss a SOCIAL event). but i'm taking it all in stride because i'm home.
i never liked my house more, never wanted to make a real meal in my house more (mind you, real meals are usually pasta roni, but still), and haven't been this excited to put on an Ohio State shirt on saturday and finally be with people who won't ask me where i'm from AGAIN.
mostly, though, baltimore isn't DC.
while i'm going to move down to DC in july, it's so nice to get away from it all right now. i can drive my car, i don't have to wear closed-toe shoes, i don't have to always pretend to care about the mid-term elections, and i don't have to think about work. the culture in DC is so hurried and *cough* pretentious at times that it's exhausting. yes, i know you went to Brandeis, but i care more if you're willing to sit down and drink a Miller Light with me and tell a good story. sometimes i get the feeling that the culture of DC is one of sales: everyone's selling their candidate, their merit, their political agenda, their ambition. and many people ask me "where i see myself in five to ten years." (before i started school, i thought that question was only for job interviews...i was wrong).
did i mention it's exhausting?
i love baltimore because it's a different world. it's kitschy, it's' working class, it's ghetto and grimy in many many ways. i care about mid-term elections, yes; i also care about my career and want to be successful, i have goals. but sometimes, i just want to throw my hair up with my ripped jeans and walk around fell's point. without ever thinking about what i want to be when i grow up. right now, i just want to be happy.
i don't think that's unambitious of me.

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